The Foundation for Information Society and the BKF University of Applied Sciences have been jointly awarded a 300-million HUF funding from the call by the Research and Technology Innovation Fund. The research project aims at discovering the values of the countries of the Balkan region that may serve as a basis to formulate new concepts of tourism services focusing on preserving health.
With international experts in the team, the research project has two main priorities over a period of more than two years: the collection of the cultural and natural treasures of the Balkan region and the development of marketable health tourism products and info-communications solutions based on the material collected. The results are supposed to offer the basis for the so-called Balkan Wellbeing conception by mapping the characteristic values and natural gifts of the region targeting tourists who travel with the aim of preserving their health or treating health problems.
In the frameworks of the project, the members of the research team, in order to prepare their research activities, participate in three international study tours as the guests of Finnish, Austrian and Serb partners. In the course of the study tours they will examine already operating health touristic solutions such as Nordic Wellbeing, the Alpine Wellness, or the Balkan Spa. Following this, every 6 month, they will present and elaborate on their experiences on a workshop, examining which parts of the visited models can be adapted to the Balkan region including its methods. In the course of the work, beside the Hungarian researchers and their international partners, the representatives of national touristic companies, as well as professional and adult training institutions will support the implementation of the project.
The international project is jointly managed by the staff of the Foundation for Information Society and the experts of BKF University of Applied Sciences.
The project is closely connected to the Science-Innovation take-off point of the New Széchenyi Plan, to the Digital Renewal Action Plan and to the EU’s Europe 2020, Digital Agenda and Horizon 2020 strategies.
The title of the Project: The application possibilities of regional well-being and wellness conceptions and their development options to be implemented by ICT support in Balkan countries
Projekt ID No: KTIA_AIK_12-1-2013-0043
Beneficiaries name:
- Consortium leader: BKF University of Applied Sciences (1148 Budapest, Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9.)
- Project partner: The Foundation for Information Society (1116 Budapest, Sopron út 64.)
Sum of support: 308.821.204 HUF
Project run time: 01. 06. 2013 – 30. 09. 2015.
Name of Participating Organisation: MAG – Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ Zrt.
Address of Participating Organisation: 1539 Budapest, Postafiók 684.
Supporting Organisation: National Development Agency, www.nfu.gov.hu
Related materials
BKF University of Applied Sciences
workshop 1
workshop 2
Press release
Invitation to the official closing event of the Balkan Wellbeing Research
Final report of the Balkan Wellbeing Research in English
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- Kiss, F., Horváth, A., Török, M., Szanyi, I.: Modern ICT technologies – situation and trends. In: Tourism and ICT aspects of balkan wellbeing. Alma Mater Series, Foundation for Information Society, 2015. pp.155-186. (ISBN: 978-615-80061-2-5)
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- Horváth, A. PhD: Wellbeing and technology in the Balkan, REGIONAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION Tourism Research Network Workshop – Metropolitan Tourism Experience Development: Diversion and Connectivity, Budapest, Magyarország, 2015. január 28-30.
- Horváth, A. Dr. – Kiss, F. Dr.: A turizmus informatikai támogatottsága a Balkán régióban. Tudomány Napja 2014 Konferencia, Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola, Budapest, 2014. november 19.
- Horváth, A. PhD – Kiss, F. PhD: Technology Map of Balkan Tourism – Survey Results, KTIA Balkan Wellbeing 3rd workshop, Budapest, 21st October 2014.
- Horváth, A. PhD – Kiss, F. PhD: Technology map of tourism services in the Balkan region, KTIA Balkan Wellbeing 2nd workshop, Budapest, 24-25 th April 2014.
- Horváth, A. Dr.: Turisztikai szolgáltatások technológiai térképe a Balkán régióban, kutatási szakasztanulmány „A regionális jóllét és wellness koncepciók alkalmazási lehetőségei és IKT támogatással megvalósuló fejlesztési lehetőségei a Balkánon” (KTIA_AIK_12-1-2013-0043) projekt keretében, Budapesti Kommunikációs és Üzleti Főiskola (BKF) – Információs Társadalomért Alapítvány (ITA) 2014.