The Mathias Corvinus Collegium and the Budapest University of Communication and Business established a complex talent support and elite training program (TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1/2010-0028) in cooperation with the Foundation for Information Society.

The Management Training Program was an inherent part of the project, together with preparatory courses for competitions as well as the Leadership Conference presenting internationally acknowledged readers which all assure the successor supply for our national scientific life.

Beside theoretical education, practical knowledge has also got an important role. In semesters for the Scientific Student Circles (TDK), the pupils had trainings in tutorial system such as the trainings developing argumentation, presentation and writing skills. By the help of workshops, seminars, they have received a continuous professional and theoretical preparation that enabled them for setting up their reports and research achievements in a high quality form.

The TDK preparatory trainings were accompanied by text following video-based e-learning materials accessible for everybody, whereas the Leadership Conference also had a video based e-learning material, both of which were made and presented by the Foundation for Information Society in its own elaborated eTeacher system.

Related materials

International Leadership Conference



09:30 Opening /Welcome Speech by Andras Tombor (Founder and Curator of MCC)


Leadership in public services:

10:00 Dr. Janos Lazar (Secretary of State of the Prime Minister’s Office)

10:20 Thomas E. Berg (Secretary General of Führungsakademie BW, Karlsruhe)

10:40 Questions

11:00 Coffee break


Crisis as possibility:

11:15 Laszlo Bencsik (Deputy CEO of OTP Bank)

11:35 Prof. Dr. David Venter (Professor and Partner of Vlerick Business School Gent/Leuven, former head adviser of Nelson Mandela)

11:55 Questions

12:15 Lunch break


Corporate and civil responsibility:

14:00 Prof. Dr. Joachim Rogall (Director of Southern, Eastern and Middle Europe, former Soviet stales and China at the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart)

14:20 Prof. Dr. Guido Stein (Professor of IESE Business School, Barcelona)

14:40 Questions


Development in Crises:

15:00 Dr. Janos Strohmayer (Managing partner of McKinsey Budapest)

15:20 Prof. Dr. Malcolm Gillies (Rector and Vice-chancellor of London Metropolitan University)

15:40 Questions

16:00 Coffee break


Leadership in multinational companies:

16:15 Erik Bogsch (CEO of Richter Gedeon Ltd, Budapest)

16:35 Prof. Dr. David Sims (Professor of Cass Business School, London)

17:15 Closing address

17:45-21:00 Reception


Opening /Welcome Speech

Leadership in public services:

Crisis as possibility:

Corporate and civil responsibility:

Development in Crises:

Leadership in multinational companies: