In the framework of the call TÁMOP 2.2.4-11/1, the Foundation for Information Society received a 30.77 million HUF support from the European Union for the project entitled Joint knowledge for the success of entrepreneurships along the border. The support was received for the implementation.
The aim of the project is that from Hungary the remote education, from Slovakia the network of offices providing personal consultations should be integrated in order to establish support for adult education activities and it is made for the entrepreneurships along the border with the help of such an educational methodology and knowledge base as well as with the elaboration of teaching materials that will be implemented together by the help of which micro and SMEs can receive especially up to date, otherwise hardly or expensively available knowledge and these materials can be accessed independently from time restraints.
The Hungarian adult teaching has experienced significant development in the recent years. The legal condition systems and institutional background for it has been established, whereas in Slovakia, the system of adult teaching is still under formation. With Slovakia’s accession to the EU, they are also offered serious tender supports but there are no places where adult teaching is being developed and no professional organization is dealing with it. They are missing remote teaching opportunities as well as any sorts of trainings and implementation processes for its complex evaluation.
In the course of the project, the Hungarian adult teaching, remote teaching and educational quality insurance experiences will be transmitted to the partner organizations, moreover earlier experiences will be used as basis for the joint educational and training methodologies that we have elaborated and e have made known on the information days organized together with them as well as with the county teaching institutions and work labour centres.
In the course of the joint elaboration of methodology, we paid special attention for the requirements of local entrepreneurships having underdeveloped background as well as other groups having backwarded situation in order to assure them equal accessibility, it refers to hearing impaired or handicapped people. Following the elaboration of the methodology, we set up joint training programs and we make it available for the micro- and SMEs of the settlements, for unemployed persons, which will provide them a possibility for setting up successful companies, start up the operation, maintain it and plan their resources as well as to start e-commercial activities.
Name of the beneficiary: Foundation for Information Society
Name of the project: Joint knowledge for the success of entrepreneurships along the border
Amount of the contracted support: 30,77 million HUF
Amount of support (in %): 100%
The implementation period of the project is: 1 May 2014– 31 October 2015
Identifying number of the project: TÁMOP-2.2.4-11/1-2012-0063