The Foundation for Information Society (HU) and the Association for Common Goals (SK) implemented a service package named Jointly for a common language (Közösen közös nyelven – Spoločne spoločnou rečou) in the frameworks of a cross-border cooperation to support the development of services of SMEs operating in the proximity of the border.

In the course of the project, a bilingual, electronic, video-based teaching eLearning system will be established that can provide the enterprises with expressively up-to-date, elsewhere hardly or expensively available information irrespectively from location and time.

The easily understandable teaching materials to be accessible in two languages also review the legal and economic background knowledge of both countries (e.g. taxing, call resources, success cases, public procurement, entrepreneurial knowledge etc.), which makes it very beneficial specifying practical assistance for the SMEs operating in any side of the border or for those who want to start their activities on the other side of the border.

A partner searching and project idea sharing data base enabling registered users to find partners from the region for their projects or for contributing to national or EU funded calls are also integral parts of the project. In this way, we can strengthen the transboundary economic and social cooperation among SMEs because the implementation of the new projects will stay in the region, the resources will be locally used. Consequently, the transmitted knowledge, the elaboration and implementation of joint projects promotes the development and increasing competitiveness of entrepreneurships located near the borderline.

Project name: Jointly for a common language (Közösen közös nyelven / Spolu spoločnou rečou)

Project identifier: HUSK/1101/1.5.1/0245

Name of beneficiaries:

  • Leading partner: Foundation for Information Society
  • Project partner: Association for Common Goals – Združenie za spoločné ciele

Total funding: 148,083.09 EUR

Project life cycle: 01.10.2012. – 30.09.2013.

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The web page of the program: