In the frame of intelligent hotel project a system will be developed that can be used for registering the high value, hardly controlled tools of hotel rooms.
One field of the usage of this system is the intelligent minibar where the products are labeled with RFID identifiers. A PDA with RFID reader is located in the minibar detecting which products are in the minibar when the guest are leaving, making payment easier.
Continuous monitoring is possible (with wired or wireless/mobile network) so it can be monitored which products are taken from and put back to the minibar drawing special attention on these items. RFID tags use an aerial embedded in frail material that is positioned on the neck of the bottles, so the opening of the bottle can be detected. This method also provides protection from refilling and relocking.
Further field of usage is the inspection of high value objects frequently stolen by guests: towels, bathrobes, hairdryers, coat racks, etc. RFID labels can be positioned inside or outside of these products. The hotel can also automatically check these things in the room, so the payment becomes easier.
The project can be completed by modules like building monitoring, supporting room service and restaurant by mobile devices, or searching for children with RFID bracelets in the hotel or the park of the hotel.