The Foundation for Information Society was awarded a fund on the call “Strengthening capacity of civil organizations providing labour force market services” that is to support the development necessary for providing standardized labour force market services by civil organizations.

The aim of the support is the development of the above mentioned organizations with special regard to under developed regions. Through the strengthening of inner capacity, progressing organizational culture, introducing quality control systems, the services provided by these organizations will improve, can more easily adapt to the changing economic and social conditions and will fortify their innovation capacity as well.

As a result, ITA will have a better chance to join the system of the labour force market operated by the National Employment Service as well as to elaborate and implement innovative employment initiatives. By the application of the quality control system, it can be assured that the employment seekers find equal level of services all over the country.

The implementation period of the project is: 15 May 2013.– 31 July 2014.

The amount of support is: 7 868 300 HUF, 100% not to be reimbursed.

The program is supported by the European Union, with the co-financing of the European Social Fund!

Funding organisation: Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség,

Related materials

Labour Force Market Services

Jointly on the labour market – Day of Companies in Komlóska

Original language invitation to the project meeting and press release