Invitation to the official closing event of the Balkan Wellbeing Research

KTIA_invitation_a4_2020 The official closing event of the Balkan Wellbeing Research: Wellbeing values, assets and attitudes of the Balkan countries that may serve as a basis for tourism services incorporating ICT tools.

Wellbeing, Happiness and Travel – How can the Balkan countries build on their rich assets?
29-30 October, 2015 Expo Hotel, Budapest

Download link to the invitation:

The PRAXIS project is closed

PRAXIS project has been implemented by the support of the European Commission within Lifelong Learning Program, subprogramme of Academic Network Erasmus. Its aim is to set up, operate and promote a European Professional Practical Centre in order to   offer professional internship on international level for higher education students.

The product of the program is the Project Internship Market facilitates the establishment of contacts and information flow for both the students searching an internship place and the institution offering a practical job.

The PRAXIS project cooperation includes 30 countries with 49 institutions where the Foundation for Information Society is also one of the contributors.

More English language information is available on the web page of the Praxis Project.

PEN Project is completed

HISBIM, Baltic Amadeus, The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, INFOTA Research Institute of the Foundation for Information Society, IT Vison s.p. zoo and NEXT System Ltd have contributed to the achievement of the main results of the project: The reference model of production process planning has been created. It includes Production Effectiveness Navigator (PEN) system requirements and defining the classes of possible events in enterprise and its environment, which can have essential impact on enterprise process effectiveness unpredictable in advance. Optimization algorithms (heuristic, predictive and deterministic) have been developed that are suitable for the process re-planning. The results have been published in scientific journals (five papers, two papers of them are in the journals from Thomson Reuters Web of Science Journal Master List with high impact factor) and have been presented in five conferences.


World Heritage Management Plans under preparation

What do we have to do with the World Heritage title of Budapest? Research, workshop, round table discussion, radio program was organised by the Association of Cultural Heritage Managers between 13-15. June 2015.The INFOTA Research Institute was represented by Dr Lia Bassa.

CEU was the venue of the main meeting where Professor of interpretation teaching, John Veverka, arriving here by the support of the USA Embassy, delivered a presentation as well as Dr Lars Wohlers (KON-TIKI Interpretive consultation, training and evaluation) about the current situation and aim of visitor researches. This was followed by the discussion related to the Budapest Management Plan with the participation of Tamás Fejérdy, Gábor Soós, Árpád Bőczén, John Veverka and Lia Bassa.

ITA participates in the Balkan Wellbeing Workshop 2.

With international participation, the Balkan Wellbeing workshop 2 took successfully place in the framework of the KTIA project.This time our Foundation has also reported about its ongoing work, as Dr. Attila Horváth presented it by the title „Ways of using ICT tools to support the project goals” . In conclusion of the discussion, in the near future, there will be further meetings organised with researcher dr. Melanie Kay Smith for harmonising the touristic aims with their technological implementations. The foreign and Hungarian, new and already known experts carried out a live exchange of experiences related to the project’s methodological and practical realisation.

Conference on the 10 years of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Hungarian Open Air Museum – Intangible Cultural Heritage Department in cooperation with the Budapest University of Communication and Business, supported by Hungarian National Comission for UNESCO and in cooperation with the Foundation for Information Society organised a one day jubilee conference for the 10 years of Intangible Cultural Heritage on 7 February at the Budapest University of Communication and Business.