Joint knowledge for the success of entrepreneurships along the border – Meeting on the occasion of presenting the Project Achievements
The Foundation for Information Society is kindly inviting you on the Meeting for presenting the Achievements of the „TÁMOP-2.2.4-11/1-2012-0063 Project – Joint knowledge for the success of entrepreneurships along the border, that is organised in Pension and Restaurant “Sólyomvár” in Komlóska on Thursday 22 October.
The aim of the project is that from Hungary the remote education, from Slovakia the network of offices providing personal consultations should be integrated in order to establish support for adult education activities and it is made for the entrepreneurships along the border with the help of such an educational methodology and knowledge base as well as with the elaboration of teaching materials that will be implemented together by the help of which micro and SMEs can receive especially up to date, otherwise hardly or expensively available knowledge and these materials can be accessed independently from time restraints.
The downloadable invitation for the meeting in original language: