The impact of AI on the labor market

The purpose of this research is to provide an empirical study of the labor market regarding the adoption of artificial intelligence. Through a comprehensive quantitative analysis of job postings, the study seeks to understand the current state of AI adoption across industries, the labor market’s response to its adoption, and the skills required for these emerging roles. The research will also reveal real-time monitoring and trend forecasting methods in order to identify potential areas of artificial intelligence growth, allowing businesses and educational institutions to design their training programs accordingly, and can serve as background material for public policy makers in the preparation of policies. .

Leading researchers of the project:

Dr. Habil. Ferenc Kiss (Infota Research and Development Director, Chairman of the Knowledge Management Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences),

Levente Szabados (associate professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance, artificial intelligence system development expert).

The duration of the project: 01.10.2023-31.10.2024.

Sponsors of the research: Lajos Batthyány Foundation


In order to present the first results of our research, we also actively participated in the organization of the 2023 conference of the Knowledge Management Working Committee of the MTA GB. At the event, we spoke in the framework of the plenary lectures and participated in a lively professional discussion.

In order to bring the results to the professional community and discuss them, we gave presentations at the following events, and the following publications were published:

  • Levente Szabados: Language Models on the Paths of Knowledge: At the Gate of the Autonomous Future – “Knowledge management on new paths – in the interrelationships of AI and Upgrading” – MTA Knowledge Management Working Committee Conference 2023.11.07, Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Budapest
  • Levente Szabados: Decomposing AI’s Evolution: A Wave-Based Approach to Predicting Labor Market Impacts. Research Seminar. Modul University, Vienna, 28.11.2023.
  • Levente Szabados (2024): AI’s effect on labour: What does economic literature say? The International Journal of Engineering and Science Vol. 13, No. 05, pp. 328-350.
  • Levente Szabados: The dynamics of AI adoption: Book Review: Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence. Alma Mater 2024: 1 (2024)