Development of a company evaluation model with a focus on knowledge capital

The purpose of the research is to provide a generally usable calculation model for measuring the knowledge capital of enterprises based on publicly available data, especially data from annual reports. With the help of the obtained method, we compare the data of domestic enterprises and enterprises of foreign countries and examine the role of knowledge capital in corporate competitiveness. We hope that the procedure resulting from the research will be a new evaluation method of company performance, and it will also give state actors the opportunity to plan targeted measures that increase competitiveness more effectively.

The background of the project is knowledge capital measurement research, led by György Boda, started at the Department of Information and Knowledge Management of BME. Since the first volume about the results (Dr. György Boda: The formation and impact of knowledge capital on corporate management, Information Society Foundation, 2008), his research results have been published in numerous publications.

The aim of this project is to produce a company knowledge capital calculation and evaluation methodology as a result of the research. It will also be necessary to measure the results of the research against international data, but according to our preliminary expectations, these will be in line with our results, so the methodology produced during the project can be spread in domestic and international company valuation practice (bank lending, corporate partner rating, etc.), partly putting the “good the concept of “company”.

Leading researchers of the project:

  • Dr. György Boda (Boda&Partners partner, associate professor emeritus at Corvinus University)
  • Dr. habil. Ferenc Kiss (Infota research and development director, chairman of the MTA GTB Knowledge Management Working Committee)
  • Gábor Láncz (vice president of the BKIK Consulting Department)
  • Regina Thék (Boda&Partners, economist).

The duration of the project: 20.03.2023-30.04.2024.

Sponsors of the research: Lajos Batthyány Foundation, Boda&Partners Kft.


Our colleague György Boda presented some of the preliminary results of our research at the Hungarian Economic Society’s event entitled Productivity, added value on September 7, 2023, which was followed by a professional discussion. The participants of the discussion considered our work to be fundamentally valuable and to be supported, and they spoke positively about the preliminary results.

In order to bring the results to the professional community and discuss them, we gave presentations at the following events:

  • György Boda: The role of tacit and explicit knowledge in the use of Artificial Intelligence. The conference “WE and the crafts” of the Labor Department of the Hungarian Economic Society, 20.06.2023. (online)
  • György Boda: Productivity, Added value, upgrading. The conference “Productivity, added value” of the Labor Department of the Hungarian Economic Society, 09.07.2023. (online)
  • György Boda, Dr. Ferenc Kiss, Regina Thék, Gábor Láncz: the role of knowledge in accelerating development (keynote presentation) – “Knowledge management on new paths – in the interrelated systems of AI and Upgrading” – MTA Knowledge Management Working Committee Conference 2023, Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Budapest 07.11.2023
    • The abstract volume about the presentations of the event was published both electronically and in printed form (ISBN: 978-615-82082-5-3 (print) and 978-615-82082-6-0 (pdf))
    • The study volume containing the selected lectures of the conference is expected to be published at the end of 2024.
  • György Boda, Dr. Ferenc Kiss, Regina Thék, Gábor Láncz: The importance of knowledge capital in the productivity of companies. (Lecture in the 3rd section) XI. International Consultants Conference, Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Budapest, 08.11.2023.
  • Ferenc Kiss: “The Role of Knowledge in Accelerating the Development of Capital” – University Research Seminar, Modul University, Vienna, 2023.12.05
  • Ferenc Kiss: Actualities of the scientific approach to knowledge management. – “From small changes to radical knowledge management” The closing conference of the 2nd year of the CKO Academy. Budapest, 07.12.2023.
  • Knowledge-based competitiveness of companies – based on measurable indicators – workshop and round table discussion organized by KM-Expert Kft. Budapest, 08.05.2024.
  • Knowledge-based competitiveness of companies – based on measurable indicators – workshop and round table discussion organized by the Information Society Foundation and the Hungarian Logistics Association. Budapest, 12.05.2024.
  • György Boda, Gábor Láncz (2023): A chance to catch up – only on the basis of knowledge. In Noszkay E. (ed.): Knowledge management at the border of the next two decades. Budapest: Academic Publishing House.
  • György Boda, Zoltán Fülöp, Tamás Révész, Regina Thék (2023): Productivity and profitability. Statistical Review, 101/6, 479–521. 30.06.2023 DOI:
  • Ferenc Kiss, Gábor Láncz: Comparison of the results of the research titled “Factors endangering corporate-organizational stability, Economy, management and HR in the shadow of war (industry, agriculture, services, other areas)”
    The volume summarizing the results of this research was published online in Hungarian
  • György Boda – Ferenc Kiss – Gábor Láncz – Zsolt Matyusz – Regina Thék: Moving up from drifting – Knowledge-based competitiveness. Academic Publishing House, 2024. (
    The printed volume is being published in Hungarian and English.