Hungarian Academy of Sciences Economic Sciences Committee Knowledge Management Working Committee

Sciences Honorary President: Dr. habil. Erzsébet Noszkay, private university teacher, professor emerita, Budapest Metropolitan University (2022-)
President: Dr. habil. Ferenc Kiss, research and development director, Information Society Foundation (2022-)
Secretary General: Dr. habil. Nóra Obermayer, university professor, Pannon University (2022-)

Antecedents of the Knowledge Management Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Committee for Economic Sciences

In 2003, the Management and Organizational Sciences Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences established the Knowledge Management Subcommittee, following the proposal of Erzsébet Noszkay submitted to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2002, which – after the transformation of the committee in 2011 – continues to operate under the name of the Knowledge Management Working Committee under the Economic Sciences Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The members of the Knowledge Management Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Economics and Business Administration also carry out two types of workshop work, which are led by Erzsébet Noszkay, the Chair of the TM Working Committee.

One (since 2005) operates as a talent workshop and its goals are:

  • create an opportunity for knowledge management research workshops, application developers, and users to present their relevant results;
  • to actively run a series of workshops where (mostly young) researchers and trainers as well as practitioners can regularly and mutually share their experiences, integrate them through their collaboration, and further enrich their already achieved results.

The other, Tacit Műhely (since 2016), operates on an invitation basis and consists of 10 researchers with an interdisciplinary composition and scientific qualification (PhD, MTA candidate, MTA doctorate), its goals are:

  • in recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the so-called for the development of value-creating tacit knowledge, the exploration and utilization of existing knowledge sets within companies and other types of organizations. Tacit Workshop researchers are all involved in this topic. In the framework of one session, one researcher presents his current research results, the dilemmas and controversial issues of the relevant topic,
  • to examine the possibilities of moving forward.

The creation of the Working Committee was influenced by the fact that nowadays the changes have accelerated to such an extent and the known ones are becoming obsolete that the possibilities of increasing the added value and creating competitive advantages can be hoped for more and more from knowledge, its more difficult to obtain, hidden component. This hidden knowledge can only be integrated, managed and turned into added value with the toolbox of knowledge management. The two-layer workshop has several benefits in this area. On the one hand, it gives an insight into the latest results of research, the most modern application developments of development companies and workshops (into the IT background support as well as into the human solutions of knowledge management), but the latest results of the companies interested in the application and – which is at least as important – the current development needs become known, which can be guidelines for researchers and developers, and even professionally supports the supply of researchers. (The activity of the increasingly active workshop has already offered theoretical and empirical ground for many PhD candidates.)

Brief presentation and results of the workshop organized by the Knowledge Management Work Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The Knowledge Management Working Committee organized its first workshop on January 22, 2003, with only 12 participants at the time, the purpose of which was to: give an overview by starting a domestic workshop – not in the form of a survey, but in the form of an exchange of experiences – on the one hand, where some of the larger application development consulting and knowledge management companies, as well as the individual Hungarian university workshops, are at, on the other hand, in terms of their results, and the graduate what kind of experience they gained as a result of their work; form the “common platform” of the workshop by defining the common features of the experiences gained through the processing and comparison of the results, with particular attention to the important moments for moving forward. The first and remarkable experience was the increased attention to the popularity and timeliness of the knowledge management topic itself. The work of the Commission was joined by many universities, consulting firms, and companies working on specific applications. This circle is expanding, nowadays we have formed a strategic partnership with the international network organization Society for Organizational Learning and the Hungarian representative organization SOL Hungary (Society for Organizational Learning). only workshops, and later, in view of the interest of the larger number of people, they meet within the framework of a conference.

Our colleagues have been participating in the work of the Knowledge Management Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences of Economics since the founding of the Working Committee. Since 2004, in addition to professional participation, we have been involved in the organization of events, as well as ensuring their online appearance.

Website of the Knowledge Management Working Committee: