Smart Business Management series would assist decision makers and experts by the publication of volumes related to the economic systems, business processes and their interrelations in the world advancing towards an information and knowledge society.
Series Editor: Dr. Ferenc Kiss
ISSN: 1788-3687
- Utazás E-Világban - Internet és versenyképesség a turizmusbanSziva Ivett – Nemeslaki András
Publisher: Infota
Date: December 2016
- György Vasvári CISM: Corporate (organisational) risk managementPublisher: Infota
Date: August 2008
- László Z. Karvalics - Lilla Juhász: Information society I.2 900 FtPublisher: Infota
Date: August 2008
Pages: 190
- Dr. György Boda: The evolution and impact of knowledge capital to the corporate managementPublisher: Infota
Date: August 2008
Pages: 101
- György Vasvári CISM: Bank securityPublisher: Infota
Date: August 2006
Pages: 127
- Imre Kiss: The theory of business informatics in practicePublisher: Infota
Date: August 2007
Pages: 382
- Fajszi Bulcsú - Cser László: Business knowledge int he depth of dataPublisher: Infota
Date: August 2004. december 21.
Pages: 260